Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Site Assessments

Ended on the 8 March 2023
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Site Assessments – Proposed Allocations and Settlement Limit Extensions (updated following Reg. 18 consultation)

These are the site assessment forms for all of the preferred sites, both allocations and settlement limit extension sites. Where necessary, the concluding page of these site assessments has been updated to reflect the final status, as well as the scale of allocation that is proposed and a summary of the Council’s reasons for preferring the site.

Site Assessments - Non-allocated Sites (updated following Reg. 18 consultation)

These site assessments relate to shortlisted and rejected sites and were previously published as part of the Regulation 18 evidence base in summer 2021, but which have subsequently been updated. There are various reasons for these site assessments forms to have been updated, with some changes being more substantial than others. Examples of amendments to these site assessments forms include: a change in the status of the site between the Regulation 18 consultation stage and publication of the Regulation 19 document (e.g. a site has gone from being preferred to be shortlisted); ongoing discussions with technical consultees about on and/or off-site constraints that may impact on development of the site; the submission of additional supporting evidence by site promoters at the Regulation-18 consultation stage; and/or factual and typographical corrections to the original site assessments.

Site Assessments – new and revised sites promoted during Reg. 18 consultation

These site assessments relate to 58 new sites that were promoted to the Council for consideration during the Call for Sites that took place as part of the summer 2021 Regulation 18 consultation, as well as those sites that were amended during the Regulation 18 consultation (typically these amendments proposed changes to the site boundaries that had previously been submitted to the Council for assessment). The Council published maps illustrating these sites in Autumn 2021, however, this is the first these site assessments have been published.

Site Assessments – sites consulted on during Reg. 18 consultation

These site assessments were previously published in summer 2021 as part of the Regulation 18 consultation. These site assessments remain in their original form as it has not been considered necessary to revise the information that they contain.

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