South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

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South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 98: Do you think

Representation ID: 1654

Received: 30/07/2021

Respondent: Gosford Limited

Representation Summary:

We consider that Newton Flotman can and should accommodate additional housing to that proposed
under the Preferred Site reference SN4024 and that our client’s site should be allocated for such
provision. Newton Flotman is identified as a Service Village in the adopted Joint Core Strategy for
Broadland, Norwich and South Norfolk (2014), which are noted at paragraph 6.60 of the Core Strategy
as having a good level of services/facilities.
Having regard to the further evidence presented and for the reasons set out above, we consider that
the site is ‘reasonable’ for an allocation. As evidenced by the attached Transport Technical Note,
there are no highway or access constraints to the development of the site and the proposed access
solution would bring highway improvements. There are no other site constraints to development and
the development of the site would have would have a very limited effect on the landscape or visual
amenity beyond the site itself. Furthermore, it would have the benefit of assisting with provision of
pedestrian access through to Smockmill Common.
In addition to the above considerations, we note that both the Preferred Site Reference SN4024 and
Shortlisted Site Refence SN4025 for Newton Flotman are noted as being subject to achieving safe and
suitable access in the Council’s Site Assessment Forms, whereas access to our client’s site is readily
available with an access solution which is considered to be acceptable in principle by the County
Highways Authority.



South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 96: Do you agree

Representation ID: 1655

Received: 30/07/2021

Respondent: Gosford Limited

Representation Summary:

For the reason noted, we consider that that our client’s site reference SN0594 should be
allocated for up to 30 residential dwellings and that the limit of the main built form of the settlement
should at least be extended to include the site. Furthermore, we consider that the A140 should not
form the settlement limit to the east of the village but rather the limit should be extended to include
the existing development to the east of the A140. Residential properties in this location clearly form
part of the settlement pattern of the village and would form a logical extension to the settlement
We trust the District Council will have due regard to these representations in its further consideration
of the drafting of the Housing Allocations Plan and look forward to reviewing the Council’s progress
on the next stage Plan in due course.


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