South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

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South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 40: Do you think

Representation ID: 2236

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

SN0538REV - Land opposite Lilac Farm, Bunwell Street, Bunwell
Agrictultural field. Defunct hedge with trees along southern boundary which could be enhanced as part of an application. Site in SSSI IRZ but residential development does not trigger consultation with Natural England. No prirority habitats onsite (see MAGIC). Site within amber habitat zone for great crested newts. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.

SN0539 Lilac Farm, Bunwell Street, Bunwell
site includes agricultural/industrial building, areas of hardstanding and listed building. Site in SSSI IRZ but residential development does not trigger consultation with Natural England. No prirority habitats onsite (see MAGIC). Site within amber habitat zone for great crested newts. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.

SN2126 Land adjoining The Laurels, 114 Bunwell Street
Site comprises rough grassland borded with hedges/trees. Site in SSSI IRZ but residential development does not trigger consultation with Natural England. No prirority habitats onsite (see MAGIC). Site #within amber habitat zone for great crested newts. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.

Rating for these sites: Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 158: Do you think

Representation ID: 2237

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
SN4064 - site currently used as a flower nursery. No priority habitats identified onsite see MAGIC). Site in green habitat zone for great crested newts. Site in SSSI IRZ, but residential development doesn't trigger consultation with Natural England. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy, should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 47: Do you support

Representation ID: 2238

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Rating: Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
Site comprises an agricultural field, bounded to the south by housing. Site within SSSI IRZ but residential development does not trigger consultation with Natural England. Site near Broom Heath Pits SSSI, LNR and county wildlife site, and candidate county geodiversity site, which is managed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust (who should be consulted on any application). Site in strategic GI corridor and green habitat zone for great crested newts. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 161: Do you support

Representation ID: 2239

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
Agricultural field bounded by heavily managed hedge. No other priority habitats identified onsite see MAGIC). Site in amber habitat zone for great crested newts. Site in SSSI IRZ, but residential development doesn't trigger consultation with Natural England. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy, should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 48: Do you support

Representation ID: 2240

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Rating: Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
Land adjacent to priority habitat (deciduous woodland) (see MAGIC). Site in amber habitat zone for great crested newts and strategic green infrastructure corridor. Site within SSSI IRZ but residential development does not trigger consultation with Natural England. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 162: Do you support

Representation ID: 2241

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
Agricultural field bounded to north by hedge (priority habitat). No other priority habitats identified onsite see MAGIC). Site in amber/green habitat zone for great crested newts. Site in SSSI IRZ, but residential development doesn't trigger consultation with Natural England. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy, should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 163: Do you think

Representation ID: 2242

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Amber - measures required - priority habitat onsite or proximity to SSSI (recreational impact concerns) and or buffer required
SN0399B - located in Shelfanger. Hedges are priority habitat so any losses (which would appear to be substantial from the description) would need to be minimised (by design) and compensated for if the site is allocated. Site in amber habitat zone for great crested newts. Site in SSSI IRZ, but residential development doesn't trigger consultation with Natural England (unless 50 units or more) if allocated. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy, should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 166: Do you support

Representation ID: 2243

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
Part of agricultural field bounded by hedges (3 sides) (priority habitat). No other priority habitats identified onsite see MAGIC). Site in amber habitat zone for great crested newts (pond onsite) and in strategic GI corridor. Site in SSSI IRZ, but residential development doesn't trigger consultation with Natural England. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy, should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 49: Do you think

Representation ID: 2244

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

SN0345 Land to the north of Loddon Road, Ditchingham
Agricultural field opposite road from Broom Heath SSSI, LNR, CWS and candidate county geodiversity site, which is known to support reptiles and great crested newts, and which is managed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust (who should be consulted on any application). Site within SSSI IRZ but residential development does not trigger consultation with Natural England. Site in strategic GI corridor and amber/green habitat zone for great crested newts. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain. Potential for recreational impacts on adjacent SSSI.

SN4020 Land west of Old Yarmouth Road, Broome
Identified on MAGIC as Good quality semi-improved grassland (non-priority). Adjacent to Broom Heath SSSI, LNR, CWS and candidate county geodiversity site, which is known to support reptiles and great crested newts. The site itself is included within the candidate geodiversity site boundary. Site in amber habitat zone for great crested newts and lies within strategic GI corridor. Potential for direct impacts and recreational impacts - If brought forward recommended minimum 10m buffer between development and CWS/SSSI/LNR to the north. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain. Norfolk Wildlife Trust should be consulted.

Rating for these sites: Amber - measures required - priority habitat onsite or proximity to SSSI (recreational impact concerns) and or buffer required.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

QUESTION 167: Do you support

Representation ID: 2245

Received: 28/09/2021

Respondent: Norfolk County Council - Natural Environment Team

Representation Summary:

Green no major ecological constraints identified from desk-top search. Surveys, and biodiversity enhancement in accordance with policy required.
Part of agricultural field bounded to south by a hedge - (priority habitat) - losses should be avoided - minimised, and as a last resort, compensated. No other priority habitats identified onsite see MAGIC). Site in amber habitat zone for great crested newts and in strategic GI corridor. Site in SSSI IRZ, but residential development doesn't trigger consultation with Natural England. Applications for planning consent should be accompanied by a Preliminary Ecological Appraisal/Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA) which, together with the mitigation hierarchy, should inform the design. Consideration should be given to delivering Biodiversity Net Gain.

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