South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

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South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

Policy VC WOO1: Land south of Church Road

Representation ID: 3216

Received: 08/03/2023

Respondent: ESCO Developments Ltd

Agent: Brown and Co

Representation Summary:

The proposed development would make a positive contribution to the provision of market and affordable housing in the area. The proposal would also add to the range of housing sites available in the locality, providing flexibility and a wider choice of development opportunities to the market, and thus strengthening the local supply of housing land. By providing sufficient land of the right type in the right place to support growth, the development would address the economic dimension of sustainable development, as defined in the NPPF.

Change suggested by respondent:

We agree with the allocation of the site. However we believe the wording should be ‘at least 50 dwellings’….



South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

Policy VC WIC1: Land to the south of Wicklewood Primary School

Representation ID: 3217

Received: 08/03/2023

Respondent: ESCO Developments Ltd

Agent: Brown and Co

Representation Summary:

The proposed development would make a positive contribution to the provision of market and affordable housing in the area. The proposal would also add to the range of housing sites available in the locality, providing flexibility and a wider choice of development opportunities to the market, and thus strengthening the local supply of housing land. By providing sufficient land of the right type in the right place to support growth, the development would address the economic dimension of sustainable development, as defined in the NPPF.
We consider this form of development should be considered as part of the draft allocation for this village, led by the green credentials of the locality, given its close proximity to the school. It would result in tangible benefits for the community and provide housing in a holistic and sustainable way in order to create a vibrant and resilient community.

Change suggested by respondent:

We agree with the allocation of the site. However, we believe an additional policy element should be added to allow for an extension to the proposed boundary to allow for a more comprehensive area of tree belt and open space to the south and west of the site.


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