South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

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South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2491

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The allocation of 35 units at Bawburgh (BAW1) is not sustainable. It will not enable the village to grow and thrive. The school is over-subscribed. The local doctors surgery, the Humbleyard Practice in Hethersett, is over-subscribed by 5,000 people. Bawburgh is not part of a cluster of nearby villages as confirmed by Council officers in their briefing to Parish Councils on 26.01.2023. Answer to Question 25: "The village is not clustered with others...". The allocation is unsound and fails para 79 of the NPPF.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2492

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The proposed allocation BAW1 is 1.4ha therefore contrary to Paragraph 69 of the NPPF.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

A.13. There are 48 Village

Representation ID: 2493

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The Bawburgh Primary School serves just the single parish of Bawburgh. It is over-subscribed. There is no capacity to extend the school and the proposed housing allocation could not viably fund any extension to the school.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

A.27. Whilst the HELAA

Representation ID: 2494

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The Council's assessment criteria fails to consider appropriate densities for propose sites. It suggests 25 units per hectare which is an urban densities not appropriate to rural allocations.
25 units are proposed on 1.4ha under BAW1. The most recent permission (2018/1550) was for 10 bungalows on 1.13 ha (i.e. 9 units per ha). BAW1 should be the same density of 9 units (bungalows) per hectare.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

A.32. The preparation of the

Representation ID: 2495

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The sustainability assessment does not look at school, employment or health capacities in the villages.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2496

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Bawburgh is not part of a village cluster


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2497

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The primary school has no capacity and is over-subscribed.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2498

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The site exceeds 1.0ha which is the upper limit as prescribed by para 69 of the NPPF. The new development of bungalows (10 units) permitted under 2018/1550 has a density of 9 units per hectare. BAW1 should be same density and comprise bungalows.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2499

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The proposed site has open views to and from the A47 contrary to para. 6.6
The form of any new development should respect the existing form of dwellings and village hall. New development should be bungalows.


South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)


Representation ID: 2500

Received: 27/02/2023

Respondent: Collins & Coward Limited

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Only 1 ha should be allocated at a density of 9 units per hectare. The development should be bungalows.

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