South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)
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South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)
Policy VC SPO2: South of Station Road
Representation ID: 3212
Received: 07/03/2023
Respondent: Alfred Charles Homes Ltd
Agent: Brown & Co
The purpose of this representation is to:
a) Support the continued allocation of the site for residential development and to confirm that Alfred Charles Homes Ltd are committed to working with the Council to deliver the aspirations as set out in draft Policy VC SP02;
b) Object to the specific wording of the proposed policy and propose alternative wording and seek amendments to the text to ensure that the policy is justified and effective; and
c) Respond to other policies of relevance to delivering our proposals, where comment is necessary.
We believe that the draft VCHAP is basically sound, as the strategy proposed is essentially justified and effective and provides a range of sites by which growth can come forward. The site to the south of Station Road in Spooner Row, offers a very good opportunity to deliver growth in a
manner that provides an appropriate to the sustainable objectives of the emerging VCHAP and NPPF. By undertaking this form of development on this site in a sustainable manner it would support the emerging VCHAP.
We wish to see the following changes to the wording of the policy:
1.67ha of land is allocated for at least 25 dwellings.
The developer of the site will be required to ensure that:
- Access from Station Road only with off-site highways works to include a pedestrian footpath along the site frontage or within the site and a crossing point to connect to Spooner Row Primary School;
- Protection and enhancement of the trees and hedgerows on the east and west site boundaries and an appropriate boundary to the south of the site, which both contains the site and integrates it with the wider rural landscape;
- Site Layout and design to include linear development facing Station Road frontage.