Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Alternative Sites & Focused Changes (Reg. 18)
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Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Alternative Sites & Focused Changes (Reg. 18)
QUESTION 9a: Do you agree with the allocation of SN0218REV, Land north of The Street, Earshamfor up to 25 dwellings on an area of 1.4ha? Please explain your response.
Representation ID: 3599
Received: 02/02/2024
Respondent: Earsham Hall Estate
Agent: Durrants
The site is located in a sustainable location and is ready to come forward for development immediately.
The Site was previously a preferred site, and would serve as a new gateway to Earsham from the west. The other allocated site is well separated from the site, minimising impacts of the two allocations potentially being delivered simultaneously.
A footway link into the village can be delivered from the site. The landowner is currently instructing the required technical advice to confirm the final design of this link.
Suitable vehicular access can be achieved, with the 30mph speed limit to be relocated west.
The site is located in a sustainable location and is ready to come forward for development immediately.
The Site was previously a preferred site, and would serve as a new gateway to Earsham from the west. The other allocated site is well separated from the site, minimising impacts of the two allocations potentially being delivered simultaneously.
A footway link into the village can be delivered from the site. The landowner is currently instructing the required technical advice to confirm the final design of this link.
Suitable vehicular access can be achieved, with the 30mph speed limit to be relocated west.