Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
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Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC BAR2: Land at Chapel Street
Representation ID: 3986
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Whilst there are no designated heritage assets within the site boundary, there is a grade II listed building, School Farmhouse, to the south east of the site. The development has the potential to impact the significance of this heritage asset via a change in its setting.
We welcome the preparation of the revised Heritage Impact Assessment for the site. In particular we note that built development will now be limited to the northern part of the site with the southern area being retained as playing field, play area and village hall. This is reflected in the policy wording and supporting text of the Plan. This revised site layout will help to protect the setting of the farmhouse by providing breathing space around the asset.
There is still no criterion in relation to archaeology in the policy. As previously advised there should also be a requirement for archaeological desk-based assessment to inform any planning application and investigation prior to commencement of development.
Add criterion in relation to archaeology.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC DIT1REV: Land at Thwaite's and Tunneys Lane
Representation ID: 3987
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
We welcome the preparation of the HIA for the site. The HIA recommends that archaeological investigation should be required prior to development commencing due to the cropmarks on site.
We therefore welcome the reference to archaeological investigation prior to commencement of development on site in paragraph 3.20.
The current reference to archaeology at criterion 6 is insufficient. We suggest that the wording is slightly amended to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
Amend criterion in relation to archaeology to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to
application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC BRM1: Land west of Old Yarmouth Road
Representation ID: 3988
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
We welcome the preparation of the HIA. The HIA recommends that archaeological investigation should be required prior to development commencing. The recommendations of the HIA in relation to archaeology should be included in the policy requirements.
The current reference to archaeology at criterion 6 is insufficient. We suggest that the wording is slightly amended to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
Amend criterion in relation to archaeology to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to
application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC EAR2: Land north of The Street
Representation ID: 3989
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
We welcome the preparation of the HIA. The HIA recommends that archaeological investigation should be required prior to development commencing. The recommendations of the HIA in relation to archaeology should be included in the policy requirements.
The current reference to archaeology at criterion 6 is insufficient. We suggest that the wording is slightly amended to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
Amend criterion in relation to archaeology to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC SWA1: Land off Bobbins Way
Representation ID: 3991
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Amend archaeology criterion to read
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
Amend criterion in relation to archaeology to read:
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC SWA2REV: Land on Main Road
Representation ID: 3992
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Amend archaeology criterion to read
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
Amend criterion in relation to archaeology to read
Norfolk’s Historic Environment Service is consulted prior to application to determine the need for any archaeological assessments.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC TAS1REV: North of Church Road
Representation ID: 3993
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
While there are no designated heritage assets within the site, the grade II listed Old Hall Farmhouse lies immediately to the north west of the site. In addition, the scheduled monument (a hillfort, known as ‘Camp in Village’), lies to the north of the site, which also includes the grade I listed Church of St Mary, and grade II listed war memorial and Rectory. Therefore, any development of this site has the potential to impact upon the significance of these heritage assets. We are particularly concerned about the potential impacts on the Farmhouse, given its proximity.
We welcome the preparation of the HIA.
We note that the capacity of the site has been reduced from 25 to 20 dwellings which is welcomed.
We note that criterion 2 refers to protecting views across the north of the site. Whilst this is not exactly what we had previously suggested (we had suggested an area of open space/orchard/playing field in the north eastern third of the site), we welcome this proposed change and recognise that this is helpful in signalling the importance of protecting the setting of the GII listed Old Hall Farmhouse.
We broadly welcome criterion 4 which recognises the archaeological sensitivity of the area. We suggest a very slight amendment to read:
Norfolk Historic Environment Service to be engaged at an early stage and planning applications supported by archaeological assessment, including the results of field evaluation where appropriate;
Amend criterion 4 to read
Norfolk Historic Environment Service to be engaged at an early stage and planning applications supported by archaeological assessment, including the results of field evaluation where appropriate.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Representation ID: 3994
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
No comments.
None stated.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Part 2, Schedule of other major changes
Representation ID: 3996
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
We welcome the addition of reference to Bunwell Manor Hotel.
None stated.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Representation ID: 4001
Received: 30/09/2024
Respondent: Historic England
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? Yes
Whilst there are no designated heritage assets within the site, the site lies immediately to the north east of the grade II listed property, The Orchards. Therefore, any development of this site has the potential to impact upon the significance of this heritage asset. We appreciate that the property is well screened by existing landscaping.
We welcome the preparation of the HIA. We welcome paragraph 8.9 and the second bullet point of the policy in relation to strengthening boundary vegetation.
We suggest a slight amendment to the wording to read ‘…wider landscape and to protect the significance of the setting of The Orchards to the south of the site’ because it’s the significance of the asset, not its setting.
Amend wording to read: ‘…wider landscape and to protect the significance of the setting of The Orchards to the south of the site’
See attachment for full representation.