Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

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Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Policy VC TAC1REV: Land to the west of Norwich Road

Representation ID: 4181

Received: 07/10/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services

Representation Summary:

No comments.

Full text:

See attachment for full representation.



Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Policy VC TAC2: Land adjacent The Fields

Representation ID: 4182

Received: 07/10/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services

Representation Summary:

We support the policy requirement for early engagement with Anglian Water. As already identifiedin our response to the planning application currently pending decision on this site, there is currently headroom available at Forncett-Forncett End WRC to accommodate wastewater flows from the site.

Forncett-Forncett End WRC has been identified as a nutrient significant plant and will require phosphate and nitrogen removal upgrades to technically achievable levels by 1st April 2030. This will reduce the amount of nutrient mitigation required for developments occupied after this date.

Full text:

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Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Policy VC TAS1REV: North of Church Road

Representation ID: 4183

Received: 07/10/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services

Representation Summary:

No comments.

Full text:

See attachment for full representation.



Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum


Representation ID: 4184

Received: 07/10/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services

Representation Summary:

We support the addition of the clause to ensure early engagement with Anglian Water regarding our infrastructure within the site.

Wymondham WRC has been identified as a nutrient significant plant and will require phosphate and nitrogen removal upgrades to technically achievable levels by 1st April 2030. This will reduce the amount of nutrient mitigation required for developments occupied after this date.

Full text:

See attachment for full representation.



Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Table at paragraph 1A.10:

Representation ID: 4185

Received: 07/10/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

VC HAD1: Anglian Water would seek to retain the text which refers to the “capacity of the receiving WRC”, because Haddiscoe-Mock Mile Terrace WRC is a ‘descriptive works’ that only serves a small number of properties in the settlement and has limited scope for accommodating additional growth. See commentary on the Water Cycle Study.

VC WIN1: Anglian Water would request that the following text is inserted after the proposed clause “and capacity of the receiving WRC”, because Winfarthing Chapel Close WRC is a ‘descriptive works’ that only serves a small number of properties in the settlement (i.e. only Chapel Close) and is constrained in terms of its operating capacity and siting to accommodate further growth. See commentary on the Water Cycle Study.

VC WIN2: Given the distance from our small network and WRC in Winfarthing which only serves a small number of properties to the north of the settlement in Chapel Close, it is unlikely that it would be feasible to connect to this site. The requirement for early engagement for Anglian Water is likely to serve no purpose, unless retained to confirm wastewater options with the developer.

Change suggested by respondent:

VC HAD1: Anglian Water would seek to retain the text which refers to the “capacity of the receiving WRC”

VC WIN1: Anglian Water would request that the following text is inserted after the proposed clause “and capacity of the receiving WRC”

Full text:

See attachment for full representation.



Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Water Cycle Study (WCS)

Representation ID: 4186

Received: 07/10/2024

Respondent: Anglian Water Services

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The WCS sets out the parameters for assessing the headroom or capacity of Anglian Water’s water recycling centres to accommodate the growth proposed in the SNVCHAP. In Section 3.1.1 Wastewater treatment assessment approach, and the sub-heading ‘Environmental Capacity Assessment’ there is a statement regarding WRCs with descriptive consents. A general parameter of whether allocated growth would exceed a population of 250 was used to determine whether environmental capacity would be impacted.

It is correct that many descriptive permits require a population equivalent of less than 250. Descriptive permits apply to small water recycling centres (WRCs) serving a small number of properties or a small settlement – often collectively referred to as ‘descriptive works’. These descriptive permits are for a low-risk discharge which does not contain any numerical limit conditions for the discharge but relies on descriptive conditions only – meaning there is no requirement for flow measurement at these sites. A descriptive permit generally applies when the WRC serves a population equivalent (PE) less than 250, with no trade effluent accepted at the works, and no potable water supply intakes downstream that are likely to be adversely affected. The Environment Agency (EA) will also assess whether there is any significant environmental or amenity impact before they grant a descriptive permit.

However, when looking in detail at the parameters of the permits many of the descriptive works are based on different descriptive standards that can apply to a much smaller population or cubic metres per day of flow that can restrict the capacity available. The descriptive permits for the following WRCs have a specification for a volume discharge which would equate to populations much lower than 250 and limits the feasibility of connections for proposed growth in these locations:

School Lane Spooner Row WRC - 17.65 cubic metres per day,

Haddiscoe-Mock Mile Terr WRC - 14.9 cubic metres per day

Winfarthing - Chapel Close WRC - 10 cubic metres per day.

It is noted that a number of WRCs in Appendix B are identified as exceeding headroom capacityonce growth from the Greater Norwich Local Plan and SNVCHAP are factored in. Some of these have sufficient capacity for growth coming forward and will require subsequent growth investment in later AMPs, whereas WRCs such as Whitlingham and Beccles have already been identified for growth schemes to increase dry weather flow capacity in AMP8 (subject to final determination of our PR24 Business Plan by Ofwat at the end of 2024).

Anglian Water welcomes the further opportunity to engage with the plan preparation and will continue to liaise with the Council to support the plan and the relevant evidence base documents towards submission.

Full text:

See attachment for full representation.


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