Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

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Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Sustainability Appraisal (SA)

Representation ID: 3979

Received: 24/09/2024

Respondent: Norwich City Council

Representation Summary:

Supportive of Council identifying sites to cover shortfall to meet minimum GNLP requirement and provide buffer.

Do not intend to comment on individual sites but reiterate need for development to be planned in a sustainable way. Pleased to see adjustments made reflecting previous comments.

Prior to submission South Norfolk Council should be satisfied that the option chosen will deliver housing in a sustainable manner and is informed by the findings of the SA.

Change suggested by respondent:

None stated.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Norwich City Council on the proposed addendum to the South Norfolk Village Cluster Plan.

We are supportive of South Norfolk identifying additional sites at this stage in order to prevent there being a shortfall which would result in the total allocation in the Village Clusters Plan falling below the minimum 1,200 required by the GNLP. The additional sites means that the minimum GNLP requirement would still be met and also allows a buffer which will ensure that the plan is more robust.

Previously we have not commented on the merits of individual sites and we do not intend on doing so as part of this consultation but we reiterate the importance of making sure that development is planned for in the most sustainable way. In the earlier stages of the plan making process we were concerned that the preferred approach did not perform as well as the ‘accessibility approach’ and we were pleased to see that adjustments were made to the plan which resulted in the preferred approach performing broadly on a par with the reasonable alternative in terms ‘accessibility’ It is however noted that the appraisal highlights that the Village Cluster Plan still gives rise to tensions with certain sustainability objectives.

Taking into account the above, we do not wish to make representation or object to the addendum to the plan but we would ask that prior to submitting the plan for its examination that South Norfolk Council is satisfied that the option chosen will deliver housing in a sustainable manner and is informed by the findings of the SA.

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