Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
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Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC SPO1REV: Land west of Bunwell Road
Representation ID: 4204
Received: 24/09/2024
Respondent: KCS Development Ltd
Agent: Cara Chambers
The Outline planning application for up to 45 dwellings was submitted in March 2024 (reference 2024/0879) and is subject to ongoing and positive discussions with the council.
Details of matters of access, layout, and landscaping were submitted for approval, meaning only scale and appearance remain for future Reserved Matters.
The planning application was informed by detailed pre-application discussions with the council and stakeholders and the submitted details reflect the pre-application advice provided by the council. Furthermore, public consultation was undertaken and involved liaison with Spooner, Suton and Wattlefield Community Council as well as consultation with local residents.
In the post-submission stage of the outline application, a variety of consultee comments have been received which raise no insurmountable issues and provide positive feedback on layout and design matters.
The ongoing Outline application demonstrates the site is entirely suitable and deliverable, and can make a meaningful contribution to the council’s immediate housing land supply.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Sustainability Appraisal (SA)
Representation ID: 4205
Received: 24/09/2024
Respondent: KCS Development Ltd
Agent: Cara Chambers
(Representation relates to VC SPO1)
The updated Sustainability Appraisal re-confirms the conclusions of the previous Sustainability Appraisal, and confirms:
‘Spooner Row stands-out on account of rail connectivity, albeit there is a very limited service, and there is not thought to be any potential for an improved service, in the context of the current plan. The village is also close to the A11, but regular bus services do not pass through the village.” The report also flagged Spooner Row as: “… one example of a village where the potential for higher growth to consolidate the built form, and potentially deliver-on place-making objectives, might be envisaged. However, this is highly uncertain, as there is a need to give weight to protecting the existing character of the settlement…”’
We welcome these continued conclusions that Spooner Row, and the site, are sustainable.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC SPO1REV: Land west of Bunwell Road
Representation ID: 4206
Received: 24/09/2024
Respondent: KCS Development Ltd
Agent: Cara Chambers
As part of the evidence base, an updated Site Assessments document for the latest Regulation 19 Pre-submission Addendum is provided. There are no changes to the Site Assessment of SPO1, and we agree with the continued robust conclusions that the site is suitable, available, achievable and deliverable.
The site is not subject to any ‘absolute constraints’ as listed in the Site Assessment and the development area is free of any notable constraints.
Any 'Amber' constraints identified through the Site Assessment can be mitigated.
Nutrient Neutrality does not present an obstacle to development. There are opportunities for onsite mitigation within the land to the north which can also provide additional nutrient credits for other sites in the area.
See attachment for full representation.
Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum
Policy VC SPO1REV: Land west of Bunwell Road
Representation ID: 4207
Received: 24/09/2024
Respondent: KCS Development Ltd
Agent: Cara Chambers
Support the allocation of the site for housing and in particular the principle of a larger allocation which takes in the entire developable area.
However, the developable area of the site can accommodate approximately 45 units and the plan should be updated accordingly.
The quantum proposed in the draft policy (35 units), while supported, would still result in an inefficient use of a sustainable site, whereas a development of approximately 45 units could be delivered and make a more efficient use of available land. This is acknowledged in the evidence base, specifically the Sustainability Appraisal. Therefore, the draft site specific policy should recognise that approximately 45 dwellings can be delivered.
Furthermore, the red line of the allocation should be expanded to include the adjacent areas of higher flood risk to the north-east of the site. Mitigation methods on this land can then be used within the allocation red line to aid with the nutrient neutrality credentials of the site and surrounding area alongside flood risk mitigation.
The pre-application advice request and recently submitted planning application demonstrates that a larger allocation of 45 dwellings is entirely sound, appropriate and deliverable.
The draft site specific policy should recognise that approximately 45 dwellings can be delivered.
See attachment for full representation.