Broadland & South Norfolk Custom and Self-Build Housing SPD

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Broadland & South Norfolk Custom and Self-Build Housing SPD

12. Self-Build and affordable housing

Representation ID: 4213

Received: 10/02/2025

Respondent: Saffron Housing Trust

Representation Summary:

We would like the SPD to include explicit guidance that 100% affordable housing developments are exempt from the GNLP Policy 5 requirement on self/custom build plots. Affordable developments above the 40 dwelling threshold will be necessary to address the housing crisis and these should not be subject to self/custom build provision, as this is not well suited to the affordable housing sector. Whilst Policy 5 allows for exemption where "it would be clearly impractical" , affordable housing exemption should be made clear in order to give clarity and avoid risk of unnecessary delays in debating this matter on individual applications.

Full text:

We would like the SPD to include explicit guidance that 100% affordable housing developments are exempt from the GNLP Policy 5 requirement on self/custom build plots. Affordable developments above the 40 dwelling threshold will be necessary to address the housing crisis and these should not be subject to self/custom build provision, as this is not well suited to the affordable housing sector. Whilst Policy 5 allows for exemption where "it would be clearly impractical" , affordable housing exemption should be made clear in order to give clarity and avoid risk of unnecessary delays in debating this matter on individual applications.

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