Broadland & South Norfolk Custom and Self-Build Housing SPD

Ends on 21 March 2025 (26 days remaining)

11. Phasing Comment

11.1 The appropriate phasing of custom and self-build, especially on larger sites, is important to ensure that:

  • Custom and self-build housing is delivered in a timely manner.
  • Custom and self-build plots can benefit from CIL exemption.
  • Custom and self-build plots do not necessarily hold back later development phases and
  • Custom and self-build plots are not required to deliver any parts of the site wide infrastructure.

11.2 The Governments Community Infrastructure Levy Planning Practise Guidance (2014) recommends a phasing plan for all development proposals delivering multiple custom and self-build homes to allow each plot to be a separate chargeable development for the purposes of CIL. The phasing plan will be expected to be submitted prior to, or in conjunction with, the first reserved matters application. It is important that the description of development specifies that the development is to be phased so that all plots can submit an exemption from CIL as explained in Section 10 above. If the self-build plots are not identified on a phasing plan as individual phases that can be delivered independently of other elements of the development, then any commencement of the development would result in the loss of potential CIL exemption on self-build plots other than those for which CIL exemption has already been granted.

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