South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

Ended on the 8 March 2023

(1)Appendix B: Summary of Changes to Settlement Limits




Alpington, Yelverton & Bergh Apton


Addition of SN0529SL to the existing Settlement Limit on land east of Nichols Rd.

Aslacton, Great Moulton & Tibenham


Update to the existing Settlement Limit to include development on Pottergate St.

Aslacton, Great Moulton & Tibenham

Great Moulton

Update to the existing SL to include development at Sneath Road/ Woodrow Lane.

Barford, Marlingford, Colton and Wramplingham


Removal of unimplemented 2015 Local Plan allocation (BAR1), land at Church Lane.

Barnham Broom, Kimberley, Carleton Forehoe, Runhall & Brandon Parva

Barnham Broom

Addition of SN0018SL to the existing Settlement Limit on land north of Norwich Road.

Barnham Broom, Kimberley, Carleton Forehoe, Runhall & Brandon Parva

Barnham Broom

Addition of SN2110SL to the existing Settlement Limit on land south of Norwich Road.



Addition of SN0002SL to the existing Settlement Limit on land east of Stocks Hill, north of the preferred allocation site VC BAW1.



Extension to the existing settlement limit to incorporate existing development along both sides of Stocks Hill, including the village hall (excluding the playing field) and new development at Saint Walstan Meadow.



Addition of SN0020SL to the existing Settlement Limit on land east of High Green and north of The Mallows Walk.



Extension to the existing Settlement Limit to include new development north of Bunwell Street at Smockmill Close.



Minor addition to the existing Settlement Limit to include SN2011SL, land north-west of Lambert's Way.

Little Melton & Great Melton

Little Melton

Minor extension to include new dwelling north of School Lane (2017/0251).

Little Melton & Great Melton

Little Melton

Moderate extension to include new development at All Saints Close (2015/1697).

Little Melton & Great Melton

Little Melton

Addition of SN1046REV (part) to the existing Settlement Limit on land north of Great Melton Road.

Little Melton & Great Melton

Little Melton

Moderate extension to include land south of School Lane and east of Burnthouse Lane (2017/2843), as well as a small area immediately to the north of this planning permission site to 'regularise' the boundary.

Mulbarton, Bracon Ash, Swardeston & East Carleton


Moderate update to include the self-build/ custom build site at Long Four Acre Avenue (2017/2131).

Mulbarton, Bracon Ash, Swardeston & East Carleton

Bracon Ash

Moderate addition to include 5 dwellings (2017/1521) at Nursery Close.

Mulbarton, Bracon Ash, Swardeston & East Carleton


Moderate extension to the existing Settlement Limit to incorporate development off Bobbins Way (2017/2247).

Needham, Brockdish, Starston & Wortwell


Minor extension to include new dwelling at The Street (2018/1190).

Needham, Brockdish, Starston & Wortwell


Inclusion of 3 dwellings on land south of High Road (2018/2019).

Needham, Brockdish, Starston & Wortwell


Addition of SN5045SL to the existing SL on land north of Wortwell United Reform Church and west of High Road.



Moderate extension to the Settlement Limit to include recent development west of Norwich Road at Kings Close (2016/0165).

Seething & Mundham


Creation of a new Settlement Limit around existing development west of Mill Lane.

Seething & Mundham


Extension of existing Settlement Limit west of Seething Road to include existing development as well as SN0406SL, SN0587SL and SN0588SL.

Spooner Row & Suton

Spooner Row

Inclusion of completed development at The Ridings (2014/1851).



Moderate extension to the existing Settlement Limit at Lower Tasburgh to include both new and existing development at Low Road (2018/0290).

Tivetshall St Mary & Tivetshall St Margaret

St Mary

Minor addition to the existing Settlement Limit to include SN3002SL on land west of The Street.

Toft Monks, Aldeby, Haddiscoe, Wheatacre & Burgh St Peter

Burgh St Peter

Addition of SN4015SL to the existing Settlement Limit, land west of Mill Road.

Wreningham, Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall


Minor addition to incorporate 3 new dwellings north of Wymondham Road (2018/2301).

Wreningham, Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall


Addition of new development on land south of The Street at Muskett Road, Browne Close, Goodrum Close and Warman Way.

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