South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 19 Pre-submission Draft)

Ended on the 8 March 2023

The Plan Objectives

(2) A.24. The following sets out the three Objectives which the Village Clusters Plan is aiming to achieve through the allocation of appropriate sites and the amendment of Settlement Limits.

(6) SNVC Objective 1 - Meet housing needs

Deliver housing in accordance with the Greater Norwich Local Plan housing target for the South Norfolk Village Clusters through the allocation of suitable, viable and deliverable development sites for housing.

Provide an appropriate mix of house types, sizes and tenures to allow for residents at different stages of their life cycle e.g. first time buyers, those seeking family housing and those looking to downsize or move to more suitable accommodation in later life.

Provide opportunities for 'self-builds' through the extension or amendment of settlement boundaries to allow 'in-fill' development in appropriate locations.

(4) SNVC Objective 2 - Protect village communities and support rural services and facilities

Provide opportunities for new housing development in a range of settlements within the village clusters, meeting the needs of a range of occupiers with the potential to support different local services and facilities. Seek to deliver improvements to local services, facilities and infrastructure where justified and appropriate.

(3) SNVC Objective 3 - Protect the character of villages and their settings

Ensure that the scale, location and density of housing is well related to the form and character of existing villages, protects the historic environment, including protected landscapes, and ensures appropriate landscaping measures are delivered as part of new development.

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