Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Ended on the 7 October 2024

2. Bawburgh

Form and character

2.1. Bawburgh is situated in the bottom of the Yare Valley between the B1108 and A47. Two distinct settlement groups have developed each side of the river. To the south of the river, frontage development extends along Church Street towards the church; more recent estate development is situated on Hockering Lane, with a detached group of dwellings further south beyond the village hall on Stocks Hill. To the north of the river, frontage development follows the line of New Road and Harts Lane, with another nucleus of dwellings to the west of the junction with Marlingford Road.

2.2. The central area of the village is designated as a Conservation Area in. The floodplain of the River Yare between the two 'sides' of the village has remained undeveloped. This contributes to the valley setting of Bawburgh.

Services and Community Facilities

(5) 2.3. Bawburgh has a range of facilities including the primary school, village hall and public house. There is a daily weekly bus service to Wymondham, plus on-demand services available.

Settlement Limit

2.4. The Settlement Limit is divided by the river which runs through the centre of the village. The northern section includes almost all dwellings on New Road and Harts Lane, including the small cluster of development at the junction with Marlingford Road. The southern section includes most buildings on Church Street and Hockering Lane, but excludes the church itself. The Settlement Limit has been extended to the south along Stocks Hill, incorporating both recent development to the west at Saint Walstan Meadow and established development to the east. There is also a small addition to the Settlement Limit adjacent to the northern boundary of the VC BAW1REV allocation.

Site allocations


(6) 2.5. The site is located east of Stocks Hill, adjacent to the southern boundary of the Bawburgh Conservation Area. Immediately to the west of Stocks Hill is the village hall and recreational ground, as well as some limited new residential development. The centre of the village lies to the north. Further to the east, separated by agricultural land and vegetation is the A47 Norwich Southern Bypass. The site lies within the Norwich Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone. An existing pedestrian footpath provides a connection to the village school which is located on Hockering Lane, within 400 metres of the site, however the allocation provides the opportunity to deliver a second access direct into the southern side of the school site.

2.6. The site is within a sensitive landscape setting and reflecting this a Landscape Appraisal will be required to inform the design and layout of the site. The site is in an elevated position within the River Valley and offers clear views to the east although existing vegetation screens views to and from the A47 and restricts views towards Norwich. Whilst development of the site will have a strong relationship with the existing form of the settlement, particularly the modern developments in closest proximity to the site, appropriate landscaping will be required on site to address the visual impact arising in long views towards it from within the wider landscape.

2.7. Bawburgh Conservation Area encompasses the central area within the village and extends as far south as the site boundary. Existing vegetation along the road frontage to the north of the site should be retained, as should the existing vegetation along the north boundary, as this contributes positively to the character of the area. The site layout and design, including landscaping and the choice of materials, should reflect the proximity of the site to the Conservation Area. In addition, archaeological finds north of the site mean investigation of the site may be required at the planning application stage, the details of which are to be agreed with the Historic Environment Service.

2.8. In highway safety terms development of the site is considered to be acceptable due to the proximity of the site to the local services and facilities, the width of the existing road carriageway at Stocks Hill and the existing pedestrian connectivity available from the site.

2.9. A significant surface water flowpath has been identified to the south of the site, draining into the River Yare to the east. The Lead Local Flood Authority has not raised a concern about development in this location however the drainage strategy for the site should take into consideration the presence of this flowpath.

2.10. The site is within the catchment of Whitlingham Water Recycling Centre (WRC) and the in-combination effects with development identified in the GNLP may require phasing of this site beyond the early years of the Plan. Initial discussions with Anglian Water have also indicated that there may be sewers crossing the site and therefore early engagement between Anglian Water and the developer is also advised.

(4) 2.11. An area of 1.4ha 1.97ha of land is allocated for up to 35 dwellings. This is considered to be a reasonable site area to enable a scheme of an appropriate design and density to come forward in this location, reflecting the local sensitivities and constraints noted above.

(3) Policy VC BAW1REV: Land east of Stocks Hill

An area of 1.4ha1.97ha of land is allocated for up to 35 dwellings.

The developer of the site will ensure that:

  • The design, layout and landscaping of the site is informed by a landscape appraisal that seeks to minimise the visual impact of the development within the wider landscape, including in long views from the A47. The landscape appraisal shall be submitted as part of the planning application for the site;
  • The design of buildings, including the use of materials, is to make a positive contribution to Bawburgh Conservation Area having regard to the Bawburgh Conservation Area Character Appraisal and Management Guidelines;
  • The Historic Environment Record to be consulted to determine the need for any archaeological surveys prior to development;
  • The retention and protection of the existing road frontage vegetation along Stocks Hill to the north of the site is balanced with the need to secure an adequate visibility splay. Vegetation as well along the north and south boundaries is retained, in order to maintain the character of the area and protect the amenities of existing and future residents;
  • The drainage strategy for the site to have regard to the off-site surface water flowpath located to the south of the site, details to be agreed with the Lead Local Flood Authority; and
  • Early engagement with Anglian Water regarding the need to phase development within the catchment of Whitlingham Water Recycling Centre.
  • Provision of a direct pedestrian/cycle access on the northern boundary of the site into Bawburgh Primary School, to be agreed with the school.
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