Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Reg. 19 Pre-submission Addendum

Ended on the 7 October 2024

10. Tasburgh

Form and character

10.1. There are two main areas of settlement in the parish, Upper and Lower Tasburgh. Upper Tasburgh has developed as a nucleated settlement as a result of post-war estate development and lies above the Tas Valley which runs to the south and west. Lower Tasburgh is set in the Tas Valley and comprises an older ribbon of development strung along part of Grove Lane and Low Road. With the exception of a small estate at Harvey Close the character of Lower Tasburgh comprises single plot depth development of varying age with significant trees and hedges interspersed with important gaps that give it an attractive rural character. Upper Tasburgh has a good access onto the A140 linking Norwich and Ipswich and on which there are frequent bus services. Lower Tasburgh's links to this road are by minor roads, some of which are very narrow.

Services and Community Facilities

10.2. There is a range of facilities including a village hall, recreation facilities, public house and primary school. Tasburgh has a regular bus service to Norwich, Long Stratton and Diss.

Settlement Limit

10.3. The Settlement Limit is fragmented. In Upper Tasburgh the Settlement Limit incorporates the main built-up area. The existing Settlement Limit in Lower Tasburgh has been restricted to development that is best located to access the available services. A small extension to the Settlement Limit in Lower Tasburgh has been drawn to incorporate the four dwellings approved by planning permission 2018/0290, as well as the adjacent existing properties. The revised Settlement Limit extends to (but excludes) the wildlife amenity area.

Carried forward allocations


(1) 10.4. This site was previously allocated in the 2015 South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document for approximately 20 dwellings (TAS1). In the context of the Village Clusters Plan, discussions with Historic England have focused on safeguarding the setting of the heritage asset adjacent to the site and the site is carried forward with its original numbers. The site was promoted again for the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan for a potential increase in numbers. Subsequently a planning application for 35 dwellings was submitted but refused. Within this Plan an uplift of approximately 5 dwellings is allocated.

10.5. The site is well located for the primary school, village hall and recreation ground, as well as main bus services between Norwich and Long Stratton on the A140.

10.6. The site comprises land immediately to the north-west of the existing built-up area of Tasburgh, between the main part of the village and a small area of development around Old Hall Farm further to the north-west. The site also immediately adjoins the school, to the east.

10.7. The site is open to the Church Road frontage but is otherwise well contained by existing development and vegetation. Development should protect the existing mature vegetation at the northern end of the site and enhance the planting on the eastern and western boundaries.

10.8. The site will require a principal access from Church Road, which will itself need to be widened across the site frontage to 5.5m with a 2.0m frontage footway to link with existing provision. The Highway Authority also requires an access from Henry Preston Road, with a continuous road link between the two accesses.

10.9. The site adjoins the Preston VC CE Primary School, which is currently on a constrained site of approximately 0.76ha. The 2015 Local Plan policy required the provision of land for potential future expansion of the school, which would otherwise be landlocked by the development. Expansion to a 2-form entry primary school would require approximately 0.46ha of land, which may unduly restrict the number of dwellings that could be achieved on site. Consideration should, however continue to be given to the longer term need to allow for proportionate expansion of the school.

(1) 10.10. The Heritage Impact Assessment that supports this plan identifies three listed buildings in the vicinity, plus the Tasburgh Enclosure Scheduled Ancient Monument opposite. The nearest listed building is Old Hall Farmhouse to the northwest of the site, which has an access along the allocation boundary. Whilst the front elevation of the house faces the site, the wider setting is contained in its extensive grounds and there are intervening buildings between the farmhouse and the site. Notwithstanding this, the layout of the site and the use of landscaping will need to respect and protect the wider setting of the building and planning applications will need to be supported by archaeological assessments, including the results of field evaluations if appropriate. Early engagement with the Historic Environment Service is recommended. Otherwise there are not considered to be any harms from the development of this site.

(3) Policy VC TAS1REV: North of Church Road

1.2ha of land is allocated for approximately 2520 dwellings.

The developer of the site will be required to ensure:

  • Access from Church Road, with a continuous vehicular and pedestrian link through to a second access from Henry Preston Road. Church Road to be widened to 5.5m in front of the site, with a 2.0m footway connecting to existing provision;
  • The layout and landscaping of the site respects and protects the setting of the nearby listed Old Hall Farmhouse and views across the north of the site towards the heritage asset;
  • Early engagement with Anglian Water regarding the sewer crossing the site;
  • The Historic Environment Record to be engaged at an early stage and planning applications supported by archaeological assessment, including the results of field evaluation where appropriate; to determine the need for any archaeological surveys prior to development;
  • The existing woodland to the northern end of the site is protected and enhanced; and
  • Land is set aside for Use Class F1(a), for future expansion of Preston VC CE Primary School.
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