Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Alternative Sites & Focused Changes (Reg. 18)

Ended on the 5 February 2024

Context for the Current Consultation

Existing Planning Policies and Neighbourhood Plans

A.12. The Village Clusters Plan seeks to allocate those sites necessary to deliver the GNLP requirements noted in the Introduction. It sets out policies which identify the allocation sites, the number of dwellings to be delivered on each site and any key site-specific considerations. The Village Clusters Plan will be used in conjunction with other Development Plan documents which set out the overarching planning policies for the area, such as the proportion of affordable housing, environmental performance, general requirements in terms of design, landscaping, neighbour amenity etc. Principally these overarching policies will be contained in the GNLP itself, which it is assumed will be adopted in early 2024, before the Village Clusters Plan is submitted for examination, and the South Norfolk Development Management Policies Document (2015), or any successor document(s).

A.13. Some Town and Parish Councils have, and are continuing to, produce Neighbourhood Plans, which sit alongside the Local Plan. When adopted, these are also used to determine planning applications. For more information about Neighbourhood Plans in South Norfolk, including those listed in footnote 1 above, which make Village Cluster allocations, please visit

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