Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan - Alternative Sites & Focused Changes (Reg. 18)

Ended on the 5 February 2024

Village Cluster Chapters

A.31. The following sections detail the 13 sites which form part of this consultation. Some of the background text for the cluster/settlement within which the sites sit has been included for context. This has remained largely unchanged from the January 2023 Regulation 19 document; however, a limited number of factual updates have been made, in response to Regulation 19 representations.

A.32. Each section sets out:

  • What allocations were made in the relevant cluster in the January 2023 Regulation 19 document.
  • What is proposed in this consultation, including any changes in site area and/or number of dwellings on the consultation sites, and
  • some key considerations for the consultation sites, that might be contained in a future site-specific policy.
  • Questions 2 (a and b) to 14 (a and b), covering each of the 13 consultation sites.
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