South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

Ended on the 2 August 2021

20. Keswick and Intwood

Form and character


Keswick is a very rural parish despite abutting Norwich, with development concentrated on Low Road. To the south of Low Road there is an established frontage between Glebe House and Low Farm. The dwellings on Low Road are located within the Yare Valley but to the east of these there is an important gap which offers views to the crest of the valley side from the south.

To the north of Low Road there are a handful of buildings scattered along its frontage. At the eastern end is Hall Farm occupying a prominent location which helps to give Keswick its rural character.

Detached from the development on Low Road are isolated pockets of dwellings including the Keswick Mill area, an attractive area next to the river and designated as a small Conservation Area. In addition, there are other individual and groups of dwellings, and farms isolated from the main developed ribbon, set in partially wooded countryside. In the south of the parish, the former education college based on Keswick Hall, which is a Grade II listed building, has been converted to residential use which has ensured the continued use of this important building. The parkland setting of the Hall contributes to the overall attractiveness of the landscape in the area.

The parish of Keswick stretches along the B1113 linking with the A140 Ipswich Road into Norwich.


The settlement of Intwood lies south of Keswick and the A47. This area is predominately rural with isolated dwellings and farmsteads.

Services and Community Facilities

These are very limited comprising a small community hall and a bus service along the B1113.

Settlement Limit and Constraints

The Settlement Limit has been drawn around the existing built up area at Low Road to prevent further extension into the surrounding countryside and excluding parts that are within Flood Zones 2 and 3.

A Settlement Limit has also been drawn at land between B1113 and A140 roads for a new employment allocation to provide small workshop, light industrial B1 uses and provision of an access road from the B1113 to the A140.

No alterations are proposed to the existing Settlement Limit

QUESTION 71: Do you agree with the extent of the Settlement Limit and any changes proposed? If not, please explain what further changes should be made.


Preferred and Shortlisted Sites

3 sites have been promoted for consideration, of which one (reference SN0012SL) has been withdrawn by the promoter and neither of the other two were identified as preferred or shortlisted sites.

Rejected Sites

The following site(s) were promoted for development but have been rejected on the basis of information available at the time of assessment.


Location and Reasons for Rejection


Land at Intwood Road, Keswick

The site has a poor relationship with existing development, both in terms of form and connectivity as well as being located within the Strategic gap and the Norwich Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone which seeks to retain the openness of the zone and where possible enhance the landscape setting of the southern bypass. The site is detached from the main part of the village where this part of the village retains its predominantly dispersed rural character. Development would have a detrimental impact on landscape which may not be reasonably mitigated. Highways have also raised concerns with the current road alignment of Intwood Road which challenges for visibility.


Land to east of Intwood Road, Keswick

The site is located within the Strategic gap and the Norwich Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone which seeks to retain the openness of the zone and where possible enhance the landscape setting of the southern bypass. In addition, the site is located adjacent to a County Wildlife site 'Carr Wood' where development would have a detrimental impact on landscape which may not be reasonably mitigated. The site is remote from services where there is no safe walking route to school. Highways have also raised concerns with an access off Intwood Road and achieving visibility.

(1)QUESTION 72: Do you think that any of the rejected sites should be allocated? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to.

To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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