South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)
Evidence Base
Much of the evidence base to the Village Cluster is shared with the GNLP. Of particular relevance are those listed below, you may make comments on these documents as part of this consultation:
- Greater Norwich Water Cycle Study (March 2021), which indicated that sites in some Village Clusters locations may need to be phased in order for infrastructure to be suitably upgraded prior to development (it is likely that a specific supplement to the Water Cycle Study will be needed at the Regulation 19 stage of Village Clusters Plan)
- The Level 1 Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (November 2017), which has been used as part of the Village Clusters Site Assessment Process; and
- The GNLP Viability Appraisal (December 2020), which demonstrates that the type of sites being allocated through the Village Clusters Plan can be viably delivered with the relevant supporting infrastructure and affordable housing.
In addition, two specific supporting documents have been prepared to accompany this plan, these are listed below and you are able to make comments on these documents as part of this consultation:
- Sustainability Appraisal (SA); and,
- Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA).
The preparation of the Scoping Report for the SA involved consultation with specified bodies in accordance with legal requirements. This consultation was undertaken in September and October 2020. A number of SA commentaries have been produced for the Council as part of the process of selecting the preferred sites, these have been incorporated into the published sustainability appraisal.
Interim SA and HRA documents have been published as part of the Regulation 18 consultation, the current findings of which indicate that the draft consultation Plan is selecting appropriate Preferred Sites in the context of the likely impacts assessed by these two documents.
To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.