South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

Ended on the 2 August 2021

24. Morley and Deopham

Form and character


Morley (formerly the parishes of Morley St Peter and Morley St Botolph) has a widely dispersed settlement pattern. Historically the settlement has developed around two isolated parish churches and a number of farmsteads.

The main area of development in the parish is located at Morley St Botolph and extends along Chapel Road, The Street and Deopham Road. There is also a significant linear development in the south of the parish at Hill Road, astride the former A11, which adjoins development at Besthorpe within Breckland District and is part of the area covered by the Attleborough and Snetterton Heath Area Action Plan.

The other significant development within the parish is Wymondham College, a large secondary boarding and day school. The College is located in the south of the parish in an area otherwise characterised by isolated and dispersed dwellings and farms.


Deopham is a linear village. Whist it does not have a centre it has distinct areas around Low Common, Coldham Green and Deopham Green.

Services and Community Facilities

There is a limited range of facilities that are widely dispersed through the village including a preschool, primary school, and a village hall. Wymondham College, a state maintained secondary boarding and day school provides some local employment opportunities.


Settlement Limit and Constraints


The settlement limits have been drawn to retain the existing wooded character of the settlements while allowing for further limited infill development in the Morley St Botolph area. No alterations are proposed to the existing Settlement Limit.

QUESTION 85: Do you agree with the extent of the Settlement Limit and any changes proposed? If not, please explain what further changes should be made.


Preferred and Shortlisted Sites

9 sites have been promoted for consideration, of which none were identified as preferred or shortlisted sites.

Rejected Sites

The following site(s) were promoted for development but have been rejected on the basis of information available at the time of assessment.


Location and Reasons for Rejection


Land east of Brecon Lodge, Golf Links Road

The site is isolated from the main built extent any settlement, remote from most services with no safe walking route to the school. Development of the site would result in harm to the landscape and townscape by virtue of the consolidation of the built form which is currently sporadic. In addition, improvements to the local road network would be required to provide footpaths.


Land west of Golf Links Road, Morley St Botolph

The site is remote from most services, detached from the main part of the settlement and there is no safe walking route to the school. It would have a detrimental impact on the landscape and townscape by virtue of its extension into the countryside to the south. Achieving an access and footway would require frontage hedge/tree removal and there is a surface water flood risk.


Adjacent Attleborough Road/Hill Road

Morley St Peter is a small hamlet without services and facilities, there is no footpath provision resulting in access being predominantly by car and no safe walking route to the school. The limited development is sporadic with a loose grain and development of this site would be at a higher density which would not reflect the form and character of the area having a negative impact on the landscape. In addition, a surface water flow path crosses the site reducing the developable area, and it is unlikely to be able to achieve satisfactory access with limited frontage and hedgerow to remove at Attleborough Road and the adjacent junction.


Adjacent to Fir Grove, Deopham Road, Morley St Botolph

Although it is adjacent to a settlement limit, the site is remote from most services and there is no safe walking route to the school resulting in access being predominantly by car. It is not suitable as the site is well wooded which contributes to the character of local area and would have an adverse impact on the setting of the adjacent listed building. There is a small area of surface water flood risk in south-east corner of site. Highways concerns have also been identified.


Land North of Deopham Road, Morley

The site is considered to be an unreasonable option for allocation, even with a reduced number of dwellings. The site is remote from all services, apart from the school, and is detached from the main part of the settlement. There is no safe walking route to the other village facilities. It would have a significant detrimental impact on the landscape and townscape by virtue of its open rural nature and remote location in the countryside away from the main part of the settlement. Achieving an access would require some frontage hedge removal and there is a possible surface water flood risk.


Land north of Wymondam Road, Deopham

Deopham is a small hamlet without services and facilities, there is no footpath provision resulting in access being predominantly by car and no safe walking route to the school. The site is detached from any development therefore standing alone in the landscape which will have a negative impact and will also an impact on the setting of the church to the north-west


Land to the east of Hill Road

The site is remote from most services and there is no safe walking route to the school. It is out of scale with the existing settlement and would have a detrimental impact on the landscape and townscape by virtue of its extension into the countryside to the east. A reduced site area would not address the identified concerns. Achieving an access and footway would require tree removal. The site is also affected by a surface water flood path and is in risk of significant surface water flooding.


Land to the north of Norwich Road

The site is remote from most services and there is no safe walking route to the school. It is out of scale with the existing settlement and would have a detrimental impact on the landscape and townscape by virtue of its extension into the countryside to the east. A reduction in the size of the site would not address the constraints identified. Achieving a suitable access and footway would require tree removal. The site is also affected by a surface water flood path and is in risk of significant surface water flooding.

SN4073 SL

Land adjacent Clearview, Hookwood Lane

Morley St Peter is a small hamlet without services and facilities, there is no footpath provision resulting in access being predominantly by car and no safe walking route to the school. Hookwood Lane is particularly narrow. The limited development on Hookwood Lane is sporadic with a loose grain, development of this site would be at a higher density and would not reflect the form and character of the area, although the site is relatively contained. There are significant mature trees within the site and a strong line of trees along the frontage. There is a flooding risk from a surface water flow path adjacent to the site.

(2)QUESTION 86: Do you think that any of the rejected sites should be allocated? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to.

To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.

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