South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

Ended on the 2 August 2021

36. Surlingham, Bramerton and Kirby Bedon

Form and character


Surlingham has a linear character with no significant estate development. It comprises ribbons of continuous single plot depth development principally along The Street, The Green and Walnut Hill with off-shoots from these roads along New Road and Mill Road. Detached from this main group is Ferry Corner to the north, and Church Corner. The village retains a very rural character and is adjacent to the Broads.



Within the parish of Bramerton there are a number of groups of development; the main village running north to south along Framingham Lane and The Street; the development between, and on, Hill House Road and Mill Hill including that which overlooks the River Yare; and small developed frontages isolated from the main village on Surlingham Lane and Cory's Close.

The majority of the main settlement within the parish is a conservation area containing a number of listed buildings and important spaces within the settlement including the wooded parkland setting of Bramerton Hall. Bramerton is also in close proximity to the Broads.

Kirby Bedon

Kirby Bedon is a sparsely populated parish. It consists mainly of individual dwellings and farms, many with farm buildings associated and clusters of dwellings set in open countryside.


Services and Community Facilities

There is a reasonable range of facilities including a preschool, primary school, village hall, recreation facilities, pubs, shop and garage. The settlement is linked to the Norwich Area by the C202 which links via Bramerton to the A146 at Trowse close to its junction with the A47 Norwich Southern By-pass and provides good accessibility to the wider Norwich area. There is also a regular bus service.


Settlement Limit and Constraints



The Settlement Limit has been drawn to protect the rural nature of the settlement and the existing pattern of linear development.


The Settlement Limit has been drawn to include the main built form of the settlement along the Street and includes the former employment site at Church Farm which is now residential.

No alterations are proposed to the existing settlement limits within this cluster.

(3) QUESTION 126: Do you agree with the extent of the Settlement Limit and any changes proposed? If not, please explain what further changes should be made.

Preferred and Shortlisted Sites

7 sites have been promoted for consideration, of which none were identified as preferred or shortlisted sites.

Rejected Sites

The following site(s) were promoted for development but have been rejected on the basis of information available at the time of assessment.



Location and Reasons for Rejection


Land west of The Street and north of The Green, Surlingham

The site would result in backland development that would be detrimental to the form and character of the settlement. Access to the site is also considered to be problematic, even if adjacent site SN2009SL was considered acceptable.


Land north of Church Farm, Bramerton

The site has a constrained access and the development of the site would be expected to have an adverse impact on a heritage asset (and adjacent listed building). The relationship with local services is poor.


Builder's Yard, Beerlick's Close, Surlingham

The extension to the settlement limit would be detrimental to the character and appearance of the area (townscape). There are also concerns relating to the access to the site and on-site flood risk.


Land east of Mill Road, Surlingham

Development of the site would extend the liner pattern of development into the countryside, to the detriment of the landscape. There would be a significant impact on trees on the site.


Land west of The Covey, Surlingham

The site is subject to identified flood risk issues and has a poor relationship to the existing settlement.


Land west of Mill Road, Surlingham

West The site is not considered to be suitable for a settlement limit extension without SN2010REV opposite, which has been rejected. It would have an unacceptable impact on the landscape by extending the built-up area in to the open countryside.


Land west of The Street and north of The Green, Surlingham

Development of the site would represent backland development that does not respect the form and character of the settlement. Access is also highly constrained with potential neighbour amenity issues.

(9) QUESTION 127: Do you think that any of the rejected sites should be preferred for allocation? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to.

To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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