South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

Ended on the 2 August 2021

38. Tasburgh

Form and character


There are two main areas of settlement in the parish, Upper and Lower Tasburgh. Upper Tasburgh has developed as a nucleated settlement as a result of post-war estate development and lies above the Tas Valley which runs to the south and west. Lower Tasburgh is set in the Tas Valley and comprises an older ribbon of development strung along part of Grove Lane and Low Road. With the exception of a small estate at Harvey Close the character of Lower Tasburgh comprises single plot depth development of varying age with significant trees and hedges interspersed with important gaps that give it an attractive rural character. Upper Tasburgh has a good direct link onto the A140 linking Norwich and Ipswich and on which there are frequent bus services. Lower Tasburgh's links to this road are by minor roads, some of which are very narrow.

Services and Community Facilities

There is a good range of facilities including a village hall, recreation facilities, pub, preschool and primary school, which are primarily located in Upper Tasburgh. There is also a regular bus service.


Settlement Limit and Constraints


The Settlement Limit is fragmented. In Upper Tasburgh the Settlement Limit incorporates the main built-up area. The existing Settlement Limit in Lower Tasburgh has been restricted to development that is best located to access the available services. A small extension to the Settlement Limit in Lower Tasburgh has been drawn to incorporate the four dwellings approved by planning permission 2018/0290 as well as the adjacent properties. The revised Settlement Limit extends to (but excludes) the wildlife amenity area. These changes are shown on the policies map.

(3)QUESTION 132: Do you agree with the extent of the Settlement Limit and any changes proposed? If not, please explain what further changes should be made.


Preferred and Shortlisted Sites

4 sites have been promoted for consideration, of which 1 was identified as a preferred allocation site. No further sites were Shortlisted.

Preferred Sites

On the basis of the assessment undertaken the following site(s) have been identified as a preferred allocation:


Site: SN4079, Land north of Church Road and west of Tasburgh School

Preferred for up to 30 dwellings (net gain of 10) on a site of 1.14 hectares.

Reasoned justification: The applicants are seeking to increase the density of the site to more than it is currently allocated for under TAS1. Whilst the site is still considered a reasonable option for delivery the original allocation required consideration of school expansion which would require land from this site. Confirmation would be needed from NCC Education that this is no longer the case if the density is to be increased. Highways would also require highway improvement works and a road linking Church Road and Henry Preston Road.

South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Preferred Sites Plan - Land north of Church Road and west of Tasburgh School

(9)QUESTION 133: Do you support or object to the allocation of the preferred site? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to. If the site is allocated do you think there are any specific requirements that should be set out in the allocation policy?


Rejected Sites

The following site(s) were promoted for development but have been rejected on the basis of information available at the time of assessment.


Location and Reasons for Rejection


Hill Farm, Norwich Road

Concerns regarding the provision of a safe and suitable access to the site have been identified. The local road network is also considered to be unsuitable either in terms of footways and poor visibility at adjacent road junctions. Development would also represent a breakout into the countryside to the east of the A140 (which is a Major Road Network) and is considered to have a harmful impact upon both the townscape and landscape. A development of reduced scale would not sufficiently address these concerns.


Cedar Holdings, Ipswich Road, Tasburgh

The site is considered to be an unreasonable option for development due to highway impact issues. Access to the site is proposed via the A140 which is a Major Road Network which is unlikely to provide a satisfactory and safe means of access.


Land at Grove Lane

The site is considered to be unreasonable due to access and highways issues, the impact upon the historic character and the detrimental impact development in this location would have on the townscape. The site is accessed via Grove Lane which is of restricted width and highways officers have advised that this would require widening to 5.5m across the frontage, as well as the provision of a 2m wide footway. There is limited development in the surrounding and immediate area which has maintained a distinct separation between Upper and Lower Tasburgh. Therefore, development in this location would impact upon the historic character of the village. It is not considered possible to mitigate this.

(3)QUESTION 134: Do you think that any of the rejected sites should be allocated instead of, or in addition to, the preferred site? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to.

To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.

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