South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (Reg. 18 Draft)

Ended on the 2 August 2021

5. Banham Broom, Kimberley, Carleton Forehoe, Runhall and Brandon Parva

Form and character


Barnham Broom

The built-up area around Mill Road is set on a west-facing slope of part of the attractive Yare Valley. It is separated from the eastern part of the village by the significant wooded area south of St Michael's Church and open fields south of Norwich Road. The settlement form here is based on the junction of Mill Road and Bell Road, and estate-scale development has occurred between the two roads. To the east, the built-up area of Norwich Road is linear, with small cul-de-sacs at Chapel Close and Lincoln's Field.

Further east of the built-up area at Norwich Road is the detached farm hamlet of Pockthorpe, which is separated from the main part of the village by a significant open gap, with good views of the surrounding open countryside. Good road links exist to Norwich and Watton (B1108) and Wymondham and Dereham (B1135).

Kimberley & Carleton Forehoe

The settlement of Kimberley is located mid-way between Wymondham and Hingham. It is a scattered settlement which has developed adjacent to Kimberley Park although two main groups of development can be identified at Kimberley Street and Kimberley Green. Kimberley Street is an essentially linear development astride the B1108 while that at Kimberley Green is loosely grouped around the green and the parish church. The parish also includes the settlement of Carleton Forehoe to the north. The parish is centred on the junction of the B1108 and B1135 which provides direct links to Norwich, Watton, Wymondham and East Dereham.

Brandon Parva, Coston, Runhall & Welborne

The parish is located in the north west of the district. It has no single consolidation of development with the population located in four groups dispersed within an agricultural area. These are located at Runhall, Welborne Common, Brandon Parva and Coston. In addition there are isolated dwellings and farmsteads situated in the parish.

Services and Community Facilities

The cluster has a good range of facilities including a primary school, preschool facilities, village hall, shop and pub. Outside the village centre, the parish also contains Barnham Broom Golf & Country Club. There is a limited bus service.


Settlement Limit and Constraints

The Settlement Limit has been drawn in two parts to include the main built form of the settlement. There is a significant break in the Settlement Limit where agricultural land and woodland provide a rural setting for the village. The Settlement Limit maintains physical separation between the two built up area.

No alterations are proposed to the existing settlement limits within this cluster other than those specifically identified within the preferred and shortlisted sites section.

(2) QUESTION 20: Do you agree with the extent of the Settlement Limit and any changes proposed? If not, please explain what further changes should be made.

Preferred and Shortlisted Sites

9 sites have been promoted for consideration, of which 3 are identified as preferred allocations and 3 were shortlisted.

Preferred Sites

On the basis of the assessment undertaken the following site(s) have been identified as a preferred allocation:


Site: SN0018SL, Land north of Norwich Road, adj 101

Preferred for a Settlement Limit Extension on a site of 0.18 hectares

Reasoned justification: Whilst the site is on the rural approach to the east end of Barnham Broom, and close to a non-designated heritage asset, it is also well located for access to local services and facilities with no on-site constraints; as such, a small Settlement Limit extension would be appropriate.

South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Preferred Sites Plan Barnham Broom

(10) QUESTION 21: Do you support or object to the proposed use of the site? Please explain your reasons


Site: SN2110, Land south of Norwich Road, Barnham Broom

Preferred for a Settlement Limit Extension on a site of 0.4 hectares.

Reasoned justification: The site is a smaller road frontage element of a more substantial field. The site is central to the village and relatively unconstrained. However, frontage development would impact on the character of the area by closing the gap between the eastern and western parts of Barnham Broom and potentially lead to the loss of roadside trees; the gap also contributes to the setting of a non-designated heritage asset. The site would only be suitable for a small-scale scheme that addresses these concerns.

South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Preferred Sites Plan Barnham Broom (2)

(11) QUESTION 22: Do you support or object to the proposed use of the site? Please explain your reasons


Site: SN4051, Land on the corner of Bell Road and Norwich Road, Barnham Broom

Preferred for 45 dwellings on a site of 1.44 hectares.

Reasoned justification: The site is centrally located within the village, with good access to the local services and facilities. The allocation of the site does however balance a number of issues. Specifically, the development of the site offers the ability to realign Bell Road to create a better junction arrangement with Mill Road/Norwich Road and also to create a focal point for the settlement close to the post office stores and pub. However, these are offset against the loss of trees and hedgerows around the site, the erosion of the gap that separates the eastern and western parts of the village and the setting of a non-designated heritage asset.

South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Preferred Sites Plan Barnham Broom (3)

(15) QUESTION 23: Do you support or object to the allocation of the preferred site? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to. If the site is allocated do you think there are any specific requirements that should be set out in the allocation policy?


Shortlisted Sites

On the basis of the assessment undertaken the following site(s) have been shortlisted.


Reasons not preferred for allocation:


Land east of Spur Road and south of Norwich Road, Barnham Broom

Shortlisted for a development of up to 25 dwellings on a site of 1 hectare.

The site is well located in terms of access to services and facilities in Barnham Broom, although improvements to footways may be necessary. The site is rural in character, with frontage hedges, providing the setting to non-designated heritage assets; consequently, estate scale development is unlikely to be appropriate. However, the site could be considered suitable for a small-scale allocation of up to 25 units, potentially with some units fronting both Norwich Road and Spur Road.


Land off Bell Road, Barnham Broom

Shortlisted for a development of up to 25 dwellings on a site of 1 hectare.

The site is located with reasonable access to services and facilities and is in itself relatively unconstrained, subject to access from the recently completed Bankside Way development. However, the western part of the site would be more intrusive in the Yare Valley, be more problematic in terms of built form/townscape and encroach more on the nearby listed property. The most significant constraint is the need to improve the junction of Bell Road with Mill Road and Norwich Road, which requires third party land.


Land to the west of Mill View, Barnham Broom

Shortlisted for a development of up to 25 dwellings on a site of 1 hectare.

The site is located with reasonable access to services and facilities and is in itself relatively unconstrained, subject to access through the adjoining submitted site (SN0174) and via the recently completed Bankside Way development. However, the western part of the site would be more intrusive in the Yare Valley, be more problematic in terms of built form/townscape and encroach more on the nearby listed property. Development of this site would also require breaching the hedge between this site and SN0174. The most significant constraint is the need to improve the junction of Bell Road with Mill Road and Norwich Road, which requires third party land. If this site were allocated it is likely that SN0196 would also need to be developed. It would therefore need to be considered whether a larger development across SN0196 would be more appropriate in isolation than small developments across two adjacent sites.


Rejected Sites

The following site(s) were promoted for development but have been rejected on the basis of information available at the time of assessment.



Location and Reasons for Rejection


South of Batchawana, Bell Road, Barnham Broom

The site is promoted for a Settlement Limit extension on the east side of Bell Road, where there is currently only an individual dwelling outside the Limit. Development would appear incongruous and would have a negative impact on the character of the area and the street scene. The site subdivides two larger fields, with no obvious boundaries to the east or south.


Land east of Hingham Road and north of Barnham Broom Golf Club (The site lies within the clusters of both Barnham Broom and Barford)

The site has a poor relationship to the existing settlements (Barnham Broom/Marlingford/Colton/Barford) and is a considerable distance from the existing services/facilities. Even at a reduced scale, development in this location would have an adverse impact on the landscape, including the River Valley, and highways constraints result in further issues that would hinder the development. Proposals for accommodation specifically tied to the existing commercial use at Barnham Broom Golf Club/Spa (e.g. holiday and/or staff accommodation), plus the expansion of the recreational facilities themselves could be made and assessed under current planning policies.


Land south west of Dades Farm, Norwich Road, Barnham Broom

Whilst the site itself has few constraints and is within a reasonable distance of local services and facilities, improved access would require footways to link to those further west, along Norwich Road. Development would currently be detached from the main area of the village, and even if the intervening sites (which have been promoted for the Village Cluster Plan) were supported, development of this site would still be harmful to the open character of the area and the rural setting of Barnham Broom.

(17) QUESTION 24: Do you think that any of the shortlisted or rejected sites should be allocated instead of, or in addition to, the preferred site? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to.


(5) QUESTION 25: Do you think that any of the shortlisted sites should be rejected? Please add additional comments to explain your response and please specify which site(s) you are referring to.

To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.

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